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3 Day Course for Mapping, Surveying and Photogrammetry


Conducting topographic surveying with UAVs entails more than merely launching the drone to capture images and processing them in any photogrammetry application. The success of topographic mapping and surveying hinges not only on deploying the appropriate UAV and sensing technologies but also on possessing a knowledgeable understanding of how to effectively leverage them. Failure to do so can lead to the generation of substandard and inaccurate geospatial datasets, irrespective of the photogrammetry software utilized.



Although you don’t need to be a surveyor to provide drone mapping services, you need to understand photogrammetry and how that relates to land surveying and be able to apply that knowledge in the practical collection and processing of data. To competently provide for high-end markets, training is an essential element to know HOW to produce those geospatial deliverables that clients expect and demand – this is professionally instructed on our industry-leading ‘Phase 2’ UAV business development training course.

Instructors and Location

We are located in the Advanced Manufacturing Park Technology Centre in South Yorkshire, our location is Europes largest technology park and tennants include McLaren, Boeng, Rolls Royce, The advanced prototype testing centre, Sheffield University and many more.

Our modern office location comprises of teaching rooms equiped with state of the art teaching rooms, with comfortable breakout areas, meeting pods, and much more.

Our istructors are all speacialists within their field of expertise and you can be assured you will recieve the best possible instruction and support.

Instructed by an accredited tutor who has 30 years of specialist subject matter knowledge, this 3-day course covers the important fundamentals and principles of aerial imaging to enhance commercial UAV operators’ knowledge in mapping with drones by understanding how to accurately plan and collate this imaging form from various drone platforms and digital sensing to produce survey compliant geospatial products with photogrammetry and GIS applications through classroom and practical-based learning.

Iprosurv Academy

To find out more information on this course call 0114 4055 007 or

Drone Aerial Imaging Mastercalss Course for Mapping, surveying, and Photogrammetry

What you will gain

Perhaps the largest growing sector within the drone industry is drone surveying and mapping and it’s one where you have the potential to specialise and charge higher rates for your expertise. This course is designed for individual commercial drone operators to corporate drone-operating entities who are seeking to up-skill and expand their current service offerings by including mapping, surveying and photogrammetry applications with drones to a high degree of confidence and to high service standards that are demanded by clients.

Prior Knowledge

No prior knowledge of mapping, surveying or photogrammetry is required, attendees can be absolute beginners to experienced surveying professionals that would be utilising drones in their workflows and this broad audience spectrum will still be able to understand the information that will be conveyed and delivered by a highly-knowledgeable and experienced tutor.

The course is not restricted to specific types of drone platforms, planning software or photogrammetry processing applications, this comprehensive training course can be delivered in its 3-day format at our Sheffield venue.

Iprosurv Corporate team


In conclusion, the Drone Aerial Imaging Masterclass Course for Mapping, Surveying, and Photogrammetry, in collaboration with Iprosurv, has equipped students with a profound understanding of the critical role accurate data collection plays in the fields of mapping and surveying. Armed with newfound knowledge, participants are leaving the course with the skills to gather data meticulously using drone technology, ensuring precision and reliability. Moreover, the comprehensive curriculum, enriched by Iprosurv’s expertise, has enabled them to master various software applications, providing the expertise needed to validate and process data effectively. As graduates of this transformative program, in partnership with Iprosurv, students are well-prepared to meet and exceed client expectations, delivering precise and reliable results in the dynamic realms of mapping, surveying, and photogrammetry.


Fundamentals and Principles of Drone Aerial Imaging.

  • Types of drones for mapping, surveying and photogrammetry uses.

  • Types of UAV aerial sensors – Passive and Active (RGB, Infrared, Multispectral, LiDAR…).

  • Typical geospatial product outputs produced from aerial imaging.

  • Digital sensing and Imaging Bit Depth.

  • Components of an aerial sensor.

  • Aerial imaging formats.

  • Lenses and focal lengths.

  • Types of sensor shutters.

  • Understanding aerial imagery fields of view (FoV).

  • Understanding spatial resolution – Ground Sampling Distance (GSD).

  • How to calculate imagery FoV and GSD with mathematical

  • What can affect FoV and GSD on nadir aerial imagery.

  • Improving aerial imaging GSD and using imagery FoV to commercial advantages.

  • Understanding imagery resolution and their interpretabilities.

  • Understanding other aerial imagery format resolutions.


Drone Flight and Sensor Planning.

  • The ‘gist’ of Photogrammetry and what it needs from collators of digital aerial imaging.

  • Aerial stereoscopy and parallax.

  • Photogrammetric principles – what it needs from digital aerial imaging.

  • How SfM photogrammetry works – the ‘data pipeline’.

  • Limitations of photogrammetry.

  • Managing mapping and surveying tasks.

  • Planning UAV aerial imaging mapping flights – the ‘imagery intelligence’ workflow cycle.

  • The UAV – correctly planning semi-autonomous UAV aerial imaging mapping flights.

  • The Sensor – applying the correct sensor settings for accurate and high radiometric quality of aerial imaging acquisitions.

  • Other UAV Sensors – Infrared, Multispectral and LiDAR sensing planning.

  • Site specific planning – understanding the operating environment and weather.

  • Hardware – using the correct onboard imaging storage media.


Drone Mapping Planning, Apps and Software.

  • Planning aerial imaging acquisitions with semi-autonomous UAV flight software and apps.

  • Understanding their planning differences and uses for specific mapping and surveying-related tasks.

  • Creating and storing to a device a collection mission plan for ‘Drone Mapping and Surveying Practical Exercises’ (Day 2 – PM).


Drone Mapping and Surveying Practical Exercises.

  • Setting out on a site and establishing accurate point positioning information/recording ‘Ground Control Points’ (GCPs) with a survey-grade RTK GNSS.

  • Undertake pre-planned autopiloted mapping mission plan(s) to accurately collect aerial imagery.


Imagery Collection Checks and Data Management.

  • Post UAV flight management steps – validating actual imaging collection with that of a planned-for collection.

  • Managing and organising aerial imagery collections.

  • Understanding the importance to check the collected imagery’s integrity (exposure, focus, collect overlaps…) before ingesting into any photogrammetry processing software.

  • Imagery metadata/EXIF checks and applying amendments using freely available desktop software.

  • Creating a basic ‘Imagery Collection Report’ to accompany collected aerial imagery.

Basic Mosaic and Orthomosaic Creation.

  • Using a freely available method to create a basic, ‘non-controlled’ aerial image mosaic.

  • Geo-referencing a mosaic using a GIS to create an orthomosaic.

    Image Processing to Improve Photogrammetry.

  • Image radiometry and processing.

  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging.

  • How to improve the quality of collected aerial imaging that could potentially improve the accuracy of processed geospatial datasets.


Achieving Survey Compliant Accuracy.

  • Understanding survey precision and accuracy.

  • Correction methods – RTK and PPK.

  • Working with geographic coordinate reference systems.

  • Utilising known and accurate point positioning information (GCPs) with aerial imaging to rectify, control and create ‘survey-compliant’ outputs.

  • Quality Assurance.

  • The ‘sweet planning spot’ when undertaking topographic surveys with UAVs.

Photogrammetry Processing.

  • Common online/cloud-based drone imagery processing options.

  • Comparing their processing qualities (a case study) and their geospatial datasets.

  • Other imagery processing options – locally-installed software.

  • A beginner’s step-by-step guide to using ‘Pix4DMapper’.

  • The inclusion of additional positional data (GCPs) to orthorectify outputs to survey-compliant accuracies using locally-installed photogrammetry software.