Are you a security company that does NOT currently offer airborne CCTV patrols as part of the services you offer to your clients?
Former police officer, Iprosurv franchisee, and drone operator Martin explain where Vastly experienced flying drones at music festivals, public protests, and football matches and providing live-time feeds into controls.
Martin also has extensive experience in drone surveillance, thermal and visual searches of rural and urban environments for vulnerable and missing persons, aerial photography & videography. This vast experience makes Martin ideally placed to understand your drone security requirements. Get in touch to see how Martin and the Iprosurv team can help you develop your business and give you an edge over your competitors.
Are you a security company that does NOT currently offer airborne CCTV patrols as part of the services you offer to your clients?
If not, then maybe you need to be asking yourself, WHY NOT, because your competitors are certainly starting to offer it. Do you really want to get left behind and see your clients go elsewhere?
How drones improve your business
Drones are a valuable tool in your planning and preparation, through the use of aerial site surveys and inspections. Benefits of drones over other traditional methods include but are not limited to:
- Ease of surveying locations that are difficult or expensive to access reduce health and safety risks when surveying sites
- Provide accurate mapping data in comparison to Google Earth/Maps or other mapping applications
- Efficiently identify vulnerable perimeter locations
- Effectively identify evacuation routes and RV points as well as entry/regress points (particularly relevant for public events such as festivals etc.
Public event s and large gatherings
The use of drones at large gatherings and/or public events, such as music festivals, country shows etc, cannot be overstated, within the world of security. They provide:
- Eye in the sky CCTV
- Live link viewing into your command and control centre Effective Crowd Monitoring
- Crime Prevention/Detection Mobile aerial security patrols
- Perimeter patrols – prevent unwanted or non-paying persons
- Immediate response to incidents, providing situational awareness and overview
- Allows ground resources to be deployed effectively
- Immediate response to incidents, providing situational awareness and immediate overview
- Allows ground resources to be deployed effectively
- Mobile public address systems and spotlight capability (drone model dependent)
Sites and Premises
Whether your clients requirements are a construction site, vacant premises, a distribution centre or educational premises, the use of drones provide an additional and valuable level of security, that will give you the edge of your competitors.
Uses include but not limited to:
- Complimenting or replacing human static and mobile resources
- Regular surveys to provide a continual intelligence picture of the location
- Mobile perimeter patrols – aerial patrols can be conducted more effectively due to camera technology
- Thermal imagining cameras can detect potential criminal activity that the human eye cannot see.
- Several aerial patrols can be conducted in same time as a human resource foot patrol
- Thermal imaging of buildings to detect issues such as fires or floods
- Asset monitoring

Iprosurv and its security experts are on hand to provide businesses with sound, professional, bespoke advice for your business, weather you want to out source drone operations as part of your business plan or want to be able to offer your clients and in house solution such as Iprosurv’s managed service, we can help.