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Insurance Claims & Risk Surveys

““I would highly recommend your firm. The drone footage has been very useful in giving us a detailed picture of the the damage building. We would have needed cherry pickers to view the roof structures. I am confident a visual inspection using cherry pickers would not have provided the details we have obtained via the drone. ” – Adjuster Complex and Major Loss

In an era marked by relentless technological innovation, the integration of drone technology has emerged as a transformative force within the risk and insurance market.

Drones, once associated primarily with aerial photography, have evolved into sophisticated tools capable of revolutionizing risk assessment, claims processing, and overall operational efficiency.

The utilization of drone technology empowers insurers to swiftly and accurately evaluate risks, enhance underwriting precision, and expedite claims investigations, ultimately leading to reduced costs, improved customer experiences, and informed decision-making.

By incorporating drone-enabled risk assessment and monitoring, insurers can offer policyholders and clients a streamlined and proactive journey.

This innovation not only expedites the policy application process but also facilitates ongoing risk communication, allowing clients to make informed decisions, take preventative actions, and enjoy greater peace of mind.

As the risk landscape continues to evolve, embracing drones not only amplifies the industry’s ability to mitigate and manage risks effectively but also reaffirms its commitment to staying at the vanguard of innovation, all while significantly enhancing the overall policyholder and customer experience.

10 Reasons to use Drones

Efficiency and Speed

Drones can quickly cover large areas and provide detailed information in a fraction of the time it would take for traditional methods. This allows insurance companies to process claims and assessments more rapidly.


Drones capture high-resolution images and videos, providing precise details about property conditions. This accuracy minimizes errors and disputes during claim assessments.

Underinsured Buildings

Drones can provide a clear understanding of a property’s condition and its potential replacement cost. This helps insurance companies ensure that properties are adequately insured, preventing underinsurance issues.

Solar Panel Inspections

Drones equipped with thermal cameras can identify malfunctioning solar panels by detecting variations in temperature. This aids in maintenance and warranty claims.

Post-Disaster Assessment

After natural disasters, drones can quickly assess the extent of damage to properties, enabling insurance companies to respond promptly to claims and help affected policyholders

Regulatory Compliance

Drones can assist in ensuring that properties meet safety and regulatory standards, reducing liability for insurance companies and property owners alike.

Data Analysis

Advanced software can process the data collected by drones, enabling the generation of detailed reports, damage assessment maps, and trend analysis, which can aid in risk management and decision-making.

Access to Inaccessible Areas

Drones can access areas that are difficult for humans to reach, such as rooftops, tall buildings, or remote locations. This is particularly useful for assessing solar panel installations or inspecting underinsured properties.

Visual Evidence

High-definition imagery and videos captured by drones provide visual evidence that can be used to support insurance claims or dispute resolution.

Risk Assessment

Drones equipped with specialized sensors can assess risks like structural integrity, water damage, and fire damage. This information helps insurance companies determine appropriate coverage and premiums.

In conclusion, the integration of drones into the insurance risk and claims market has ushered in a remarkable era of transformation.

As technology evolves and increases so do the pressures on insurers to assess such things as malfunctioning solar panels which can increase the risk of fire or panels which have not been included in the policy agreement at inception.

By harnessing the power of real-time data acquisition, drones have proven to be an invaluable tool in assessing risks accurately and expediting the claims process.

This technological revolution not only enhances the efficiency and accuracy of insurance operations, but also empowers both insurers and policyholders with unprecedented insights.

As drones continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, we can expect to witness further advancements in risk assessment, claims settlement, and overall customer satisfaction.

The sky is no longer the limit – drones have propelled the insurance industry into a future where data-driven decisions are at the forefront, making way for a more resilient and responsive landscape.

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