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Multi-Storey and Tower block Inspections

“We engaged with Iprosurv after receiving information on tower block inspections utilizing drone technology and the different outputs especially the 3D interactive model, we were not disappointing with the results. From the outset a professional set up from initial planning, communication all the way through to product delivery and support. We would definitely recommend Iprosurv.” – Housing Association Residential Director of Works

The paradigm shift brought about by technological advancement has yielded a game-changing solution for multi-storey and tower block asset inspections through the integration of drones.

These unmanned aerial vehicles present a host of compelling benefits that transcend conventional assessment methods.

By substantially improving safety conditions, optimizing operational efficiency, and granting unparalleled access to intricate structural elements, drones have redefined the landscape of asset inspections.

Their capacity to deliver precise, comprehensive, and real-time data empowers stakeholders with an unprecedented level of insight, enabling informed and strategic decision-making within industries reliant on meticulous facility management and maintenance.

10 Reasons to use Drones

Enhanced Coverage

Drones can navigate complex structures, providing comprehensive coverage of the entire building exterior, including difficult-to-reach areas that might be inaccessible or time-consuming to inspect using scaffolding or rope access.

Detailed Imagery

Drones capture high-resolution imagery and videos, offering inspectors a close-up view of the building’s surface and potential issues. This level of detail might be challenging to achieve with the naked eye from scaffolding or rope access.

Reduced Setup Time:

Deploying drones for inspections is quicker than setting up scaffolding or rope access systems, saving valuable time and allowing inspections to commence promptly.

Agility and Manoeuvrability

Drones can easily navigate around architectural intricacies, tower blocks, and various building designs. This agility enables them to capture data from multiple angles and perspectives that might be hard to achieve using traditional methods.

Data Consistency

Drones follow predefined flight paths, ensuring consistent data collection without variations caused by human error that can occur with different inspectors using scaffolding or rope access.

Safer Inspections

By eliminating the need for human inspectors to scale heights using scaffolding or rope, drones significantly reduce the risk of accidents, falls, and injuries associated with working at heights.

Real-time Analysis

Drone-captured data can be analysed in real-time, enabling immediate identification of issues and allowing inspectors to adjust their approach during the inspection process itself.

Cost Savings:

While setting up scaffolding and rope access can be expensive and time-consuming, using drones offers cost savings in terms of equipment, labour, and operational expenses.

Non-Intrusive Inspection:

Drones can conduct inspections without causing disruption to building occupants or the surrounding environment, which is especially valuable in residential or busy urban areas.

Historical Data Comparison

Drones can capture data during different inspection cycles, allowing for easy comparison over time to monitor the evolution of building conditions, which might be challenging using traditional methods.

Incorporating drones for multiple-storey and tower block inspections not only provides all the benefits mentioned earlier but also surpasses traditional methods like scaffolding and rope access in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and overall inspection quality.

In conclusion, the rapid advancement of drone technology in the UK has ushered in a new era of efficiency, precision, and sustainability across various industries.

The benefits are undeniable, with drones offering unparalleled accessibility, reducing the need for labour-intensive methods like scaffolding and rope access.

This not only leads to substantial cost savings but also minimizes the environmental footprint by decreasing material waste and energy consumption.

From infrastructure inspections to aerial surveys, the versatility of drones has transformed how we approach tasks that were once time-consuming and resource-intensive.

As the UK continues to embrace and refine this technology, the nation stands to reap even greater rewards in terms of enhanced productivity, safer working conditions, and a greener future for all.

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